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Happy Anniversary to Us!

September 17th, 2005
Dan and I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary last week!
We started a tradition on our first anniversary that we don't buy eachother gifts for our anniversary, we instead take turns each year planning a special day together. This year was Dan's year to plan and he did a fantastic job!
On our anniversary fell on a Thursday and Dan surprised me at work with 2 dozen long stem roses. They were absolutely gorgeous - and made me the most envied girl in the office for a few days! I am drying them to add to my vase of flower petals from special occassions.
Friday when I came home from dropping off the girls at Grandma Sue's for the weekend I was surprised by a completely clean house, which was absolutely wonderful. I was given my itinerary for the next day which read as follows:
Be ready to leave by 9:30 am. Dress comfy.
When we get home you need to be ready to leave by 6:00pm. Dress fancy.
When I woke up Saturday morning I was so excited! I had no idea what we were doing for the day and couldn't wait to get started! We headed to Stillwater where we ate breakfast and then spent the day wandering around exploring the town. Bless Dan's heart I think we went in every single antique store, jewlery shop and botique! On our way out of town we stopped at Nelson's for some of the best ice cream around. We then headed to the salon for pedicures, which was great after being on our feet all day walking around. Then there was still the evening to get ready for! It was fun getting dolled up for a surprise night! Dan had made reservations at Forepaughs resteraunt where we enjoyed a very romantic dinner.
We had such a wonderful day together!
I think sometimes when you are married, and have kids, and have jobs, and have a house to take care of and all those other things that life throws at you it is easy to forget how nice it is to just have a day to spend together.
Happy Anniversary honey, here's to many more!

1 comment:

Phil and Vicki Cross said...

That is So beautiful! Way to go Dan!! Congrats to you both!
Love V