Welcome to our Family Blog!

We've decided blogging would be a great way to capture all of the fun things that we encounter in our adventures of being a family.

We hope you enjoy the pictures and stories that we share, and that you come back to visit often.

Please leave some comments for us along the way and let us know you are reading our stories!

Thanks for visiting!


More Garden Updates

I can't help it, my gardens growing thrill me to no end! Here are a couple of updated photos - although next spring it will be so much better once everything is in bloom! I have more 'hand me down' plants to get in the ground this weekend which I am very excited for!
Tehya is becoming more of a green thumb every time I look - that girl knows the name of almost every plant we have and LIKES pulling weeds with me! She must have inherited those genes from Grandma Sue!

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