Welcome to our Family Blog!

We've decided blogging would be a great way to capture all of the fun things that we encounter in our adventures of being a family.

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Such Language!

I just realized that during my tiny break from blogging that I neglected to document my current favorite Ada story.......lets flash back to about a month ago:

Tehya and Ada were playing in their room, and I overheard some bickering starting.  Tehya has recently taken to telling Ada "Stop talking to me" when she is frustrated or has decided that she has had enough little sister time, so I thought it was particularly funny to hear Ada copy-cat her sister and say to Tehya "Stop talking Sissy!"

What happened next surprised us though.  She came out of their bedroom with one hand on her hip and a very exasperated look on her face.  She sighed a bit dramatically and said "My sissy PISSIN me off!!" 

Such language for a little lady!!!

1 comment:

GG & Papa Charlie said...

Oh Oh!!! Someone has been hearing things and doing the repeat thing.
The wonderful world of children.
Part of growing up I guess.
Love GG