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Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend

The day finally came that Tehya convinced Daddy that she was old enough to get her ears pierced. She was SO excited when we went to the store! Despite Mom trying to convince her to get her birthstones, Tehya decided that she wanted diamond earrings like Grandma Sue!
Once the marks were drawn on each ear, Mom got smart and asked the nice ladies at the store if they could pierce both ears at the same time. They agreed and even gave Tehya a teddy to hold on to!
Tehya was quite upset when the piercing took place - apparently it hurt WAY BADDER THAN YOU SAID IT WOULD MOM!!!!
Ice cubes were applied and after promising we could buy more earrings soon Tehya was quite happy with her "big girl earrings".

1 comment:

The Mordorski's said...

What a brave girl you are Tehya! Your earrings are beautiful.