On Friday the girls and I had a zoo day with my highschool girlfriend Jodie and her two kiddos. We had a great day and are planning on doing it again soon!
(Hum...maybe I should talk to her about her reasoning here?!?)
Tehya and Brayden poking through the tunnel on the Tropics Trail. Brayden looks pretty enamored with Tehya in this picture!
Tehya wanted a picture of the flamingo birds for her photo album. She thought it was pretty silly when she learned that they sleep standing on one leg!
This picture didn't turn out as well as I had hoped it would, but it is Ada playing in one of the Discovery Bay water pools. She had so much fun splashing around and looking at the "shisheys"!
This is one of the new Grizzly bears in the zoo's new exhibit.
We weren't sure if the bear thought Ada looked like the perfect sized snack or if he really liked her snazzy hat, but they seemed to have a bonding experience while we were visiting. Whenever Ada would move the bear would move along with her, and he even put his nose right on the glass against her hand and was trying to sniff her out! It was very cute!
Ada seemed just as interested in the bear as he was in her, so we stood and "visited" with him for quite awhile.
What a wonderful day with wonderful friends!
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